The Cube Accolades

"Joe Kleman is an innovator in the field of predictive processing and Active Inference. Through our discussions, it’s clear that he has a deep, working knowledge of these concepts—not just in theory, but in ways that drive real, pragmatic change. I have no doubt that his contributions will continue to push the boundaries of what can be done—and what should be done."

Karl Friston

Karl J. Friston, MBBS, MA, MRCPsych, MAE, FMedSci, FRBS, FRS

Professor: Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College London

Honorary Consultant: The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery

"…It's profound.”

— Omkar Nimbalkar IBM 
20+ years’ experience in development, deployment & advocacy of Middleware Software, Hybrid Cloud, Cloud Native, Data/Analytics, Blockchain, and AI-based products & Open Source technologies

“Joseph, this cube is phenomenal! I immediately can understand the importance of its applications. Research neurologists have found that children and adults from inner-city poverty stricken areas have a significant reduction of brain connectivity due to trauma. In my 2nd book Answers Unleashed, I show mathematically that this trauma-induced brain separation leads to poor decision making. I can imagine this cube as tool to help people's brains use both the left and the right side to develop for higher brain connectivity. Scientists have found that higher brain connectivity leads to high executive mind function and effective problem-solving from the brain's frontal lobes! Bravo Joseph to you and your team!”

— Olympia LePoint, CEO of OL Consulting Corporation & Publishing. 

Ms. LePoint helped design and build space rockets, launching a total of 28 NASA Space Shuttle missions from 1998-2007